The Creative Process

Part of the creative process is sifting through what sometimes feels like a massive bin of ideas. I imagine myself leaning over, halfway in, tipped over the edge of the bin, one hand gripping the edge for support, and the other picking up one idea after the next, tossing each one aside one by one after careful examination.

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EP 15. Developing A Pioneer Spirit

Sometimes we get so hung up on what we see other people building that when we are building the raw and primitive version of what we want to do, we end up quitting or giving up or being way too hard on ourselves and getting distracted because we see somebody else's grand vision, grand palace that they've built. While we're looking at a one man show of the simple thing that we're trying to walk out.

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Counteracting The Culture (Bringing Your Gifts To The World)

There's so many areas where we have left those spaces and then they were overtaken. So I want to encourage you, whatever space that you feel called to as an ambitious woman of faith, whatever dominion you feel like you are meant to occupy and go into, whether that be government or entertainment or education, maybe a space or place in your own community, bring the best of what you have to give to those spaces because it's needed.

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The # 1 Dream Killer

Sometimes we start to feel like living at our purpose is more like a fantasy than a reality. And in fantasies, everything goes well. It's amazing. But in reality, there's bumps in the road. There's resistance. There's uncertainty. There's self-doubt. There's some confusion. But all of those things are not reasons why you should give up on what you feel like God is stirring on your heart to do and pursue.

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Flesh Wound Vs. Heart Wound

Flesh wound vs. Heart wound. One breaches the physical body, one the soul.

We feel them. We’ve experienced them. They are indescribable. Words never doing justice to the impact they create.

A heart wound fills the room with:

the battered breath of the devastatingly broken gasping to find air

the anguished sobs of awakened truths

the weight of tragedy baring down on stunned shoulders

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