No matter what level of success you have reached, serving is an important part of life.
You can serve in your community, your local church, outside your local church, for a ministry, non-profit, or any number of ways.
Serving develops you.
Serving is sacrifice and builds character. Serving often does more for the one serving than the one being served.
God develops and cultivates things in us
during seasons of serving.
You may be ready to lead the boardroom, but serving the current leader of the board room will make you better able to fill that position when the time comes because you have spent the time learning, developing, and growing in ways you may not realize you need to improve.
If you have a vision for your life and what you want to pursue and do, and yet you spend time building someone else’s vision instead of or in addition to your own, I believe this can also be a time of purification and reflection.
Serving does SO much for your soul. It creates gratitude, humbleness, and patience.
We live in a fast-paced world. It can be hard to develop someone else’s organization or business when you have such high-hopes for your own.
This is especially true when things are moving at a snail’s pace for your own goals.
Be encouraged that God still sees you and the desires on your heart.
You are NOT forgotten. The steps you are taking for your own business and dream count and are building impact even when you can’t always see it in terms of magnitude.
Stay encouraged. Be inspired. Strengthen your mindset and resolve. Above all else, pray and stay close to God’s heart. He hasn’t forgotten you or the dreams He’s placed in you. Philippians 2:4