The Problem Isn't The World Judging You, It's YOU Judging You
You’re stuck because you’re caught up in a story that paints the perception of others as priority, paralyzing you from stepping out.
You fear failure as if it would mean the end of you.
What if, for a moment, you sat with the full blown picture of what your failure would look like...
Envision it.
Feel it.
Own what that would look like.
NOW...envision yourself surviving that failure.
Feel yourself surviving it.
Own what it would look like to survive it.
Is your biggest fear ‘survivable’?
I did this exact exercise 2 years ago when I faced the possibility of my very worst fears coming true. It was ugly. It felt horrible. It was enough to make me want to vomit and sink into the floor with a full on panic attack.
Until.... I placed the horribleness of what I feared would happen into a different picture frame.
I placed it into a frame of something I would survive if it did in the end come true.
I visualized waking up to the knowledge of it happening and what I would do that day.
I pictured what would I say.
THEN... I DECIDED... I decided what my future would look like.
I would move on. I would put one foot in front of the other. I would go about my day. I would survive. I would elevate my mindset to let go of others perceptions and focus on the opinions in my life that mattered.
I envisioned having a beautiful full life regardless of failure and fear.
Facing a deep fear isn’t easy, but it’s freeing when the monster of fear stops holding the power over your head, puppeteering your life with its worst case scenario story telling.