Seeing Beyond The Current Season You’re In
✖️Feeling STUCK and STAGNANT in your life or business is such a painful thing…
✔️You watch others grow their client list while yours remains empty or minimal.
✔️You feel like your message and content isn’t landing with your audience and creating conversions.
✔️You spend HOURS day in and day out brainstorming on how to grow your business, yet you came up empty handed.
✔️You try to take the advice you hear the experts giving, but you don’t see it working for you.
✔️You question why the same advice works for other people and not for you.
✔️You stress constantly about what you need to do to breakthrough in your business.
✔️You feel like beating your head against a wall because you can’t come up with answers or solutions that work.
The beautiful thing is that the pain of what you’re going through CAN and SHOULD serve you. What you’re going through isn’t wasted.
➡️ All of the times you:
Got back up again and kept going despite your discouragement and disappointment.
You felt failure chasing you down, yet you continued forward on the journey.
You pulled your emotions together and decided this was not how it was going to end.
You set an example of resiliency for your children by getting back up again and again.
You are CREATING your purpose in all of these things.
️The pain in this journey is not destroying you. By the grace of God you are being refined. Strengthened. Established. Growing. Being equipped.
️ Your story is taking one interesting turn after another, and by His grace it will serve you.
➰The curves and bends in the road of life stretch us, pulling us dangerously close to the edge of losing it at times.
➿But the curves and bends in the journey offer views we wouldn’t normally otherwise have access to had we not ventured off the beaten path in search of the "more" we craved. Our passion and purpose.
🏼♀️I am speaking to myself as much as I am to you… let’s not become so rigid that the bends in the road feel as if they’re breaking us, but rather, we learn to bend WITH the curves. We allow the refinement of what the journey was ‘supposed to look like’ open our eyes to a new way of viewing life.
🔲What previously felt like perilous views, too close to the edge, far away from the utopia we want, can become a story to help others learn how to overcome and adapt when the curves feel like too much to handle.
🟣Your story of faith can be used to encourage others about how God sustained you in the process of what felt impossible to overcome.
♾ It’s not about denying the discouragement, disappointment, and defeat that comes with the journey, and it does come with it, but it’s about not staying there, in the curve of it, looking at that particular view repeatedly.
You MUST keep going, adapting to the curves in the road, and in the process helping others through the ones you thought you would never move beyond.