Fall in love with the journey over the destination.
Destinations are goals. But they are not guarantees.
If you fall in love with an ending that isn’t #1 everything you thought it would be, or #2, you find that the end you desired just isn’t possible, what happens? You’re left heartbroken, discouraged, questioning God, frustrated, you name it.
- Focusing on an end goal isn’t bad, but it can’t be everything.
It can’t and shouldn’t be.... because there is more joy and richness to be found in the journey, than there is in the end point, the destination.
Your end goal/destination may change over time. You may even GET TO your end goal, and find it just wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Maybe you hedged your bets on everything working out a certain way, and it just didn’t... Now what??
It’s time to fall in love with the journey.
Fall in love with where you are right now. Is your current life all you want it to be? I’m guessing, if you’re anything like me, it’s not. You want more. You’re fighting for more. But don’t miss the joy in the journey by being too obsessed over a specific ending.
✅ Yes - Have goals!
✅ Absolutely- Stay focused!
✅ 100% - Keep at it!
BUT, and this is a big but... don’t miss out what will always be the longest part. The journey. ✝️
Don’t wish seasons of your life away pining for a destination that’s not guaranteed. I did this for the longest time, and then I realized I was wishing my life away.
DAILY (and on some days, by the minute), I am learning to choose the journey over the destination. I am constantly reminding myself to stop obsessing over a destination that’s not guaranteed, but to enjoy the journey in getting there.
How are you enjoying the journey?